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Zero Click Searches and Your Financial Advisor Website: What You Need to Know

Clicks to your financial advisor website from organic search results have likely been an important KPI for measuring the results of your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts. A higher click-through rate in organic search meant your financial advisor website SEO was working, and you could see the evidence in the click data, among other metrics. But Google is once again revolutionizing online search. 



Read on to learn how Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is leading the way for no-click search results, and what financial advisors can do to avoid being left behind.

Zero-click searches are increasing in frequency and can be a headache for websites that previously relied on traffic from SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). That’s because instead of listing search results in order of their ranking that the user could click on to learn more, the zero-click search results use Google’s SGE to generate a summary as a response to the query that often satisfies the user and gives them no reason to click on your website’s content.

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Zero Click Searches Work for Some Things, But Not Everything

Google’s SGE is meant to make the user’s search experience as seamless as possible. If a user is looking for a quick answer to a question, they can get the information without clicking a single link. However, some search queries require more than a small snippet  of information.. 

As an example, while financial topic search queries can be simple questions with simple answers that could lead to a zero-click search, many financial advisory and wealth management related topics are not only complex but likely unique to each person. Here are some examples of different types of financial content searches and their results:


In the above example, the search query “what is a 401k?” generated a summary response that gives a general answer that would likely result in a zero-click result. If the user were looking for more specific information on retirement options, their search query may be more complex. In the below example, the search query “how can I start my own retirement fund” did not return a summary at all, but rather traditional search results with sponsored (paid) results at the top, and organic results below. 

In the case of the more complex search, financial advisor websites that produce high-quality content for more unique, complex, and specific topics that aren’t easily answered in an AI-generated summary can reap real benefits.




Don’t Fight the Zero Click Search – Make it a Competitive Advantage

Google has proven that they make the rules when it comes to all things search related. Like it or not, financial advisors who wish to engage with younger generations of up-and-coming investors need to adapt to how search continues to evolve. The good news? Zero-click search results can boost your financial advisor website’s online presence. 

As seen above, there will always be a place in online searches for unique, high-quality financial advisor content that takes a deeper dive into investor requests for information. The key is to know what financial  topics investors are searching for and align those keywords and phrases with the SEO of your  financial advisor content. 

In the case of searches resulting in Google’s SGE summaries, it can get confusing for the user to know where the content is coming from. That’s because Google is simply piecing all the information from multiple sources together as one response. Sound like Chat?

Therefore, websites with the same or similarly worded answers won’t stand out as resources when listed as links below the summary. So, if a user wanted to get more information beyond the summary provided, they wouldn’t know which source to choose. However, if a financial advisor website offers relevant content that is more uniquely presented and offers a more detailed response, users will be able to visit that page for more in-depth information.

In this case, while there may be fewer clicks resulting from searches with SGE summaries they could become even more valuable because the user is already engaged with the topic of your content and is looking more in-depth information. From there, it’s up to you as the financial advisor to deliver this content  while producing a positive user experience and effective CTAs to nurture and guide investors through your sales funnels. 


Build On What You Already Know

While Google’s SGE and the emergence of the zero-click search are the newest advancements from Google, they’re certainly not the last. And looking back, there have been many before it that have been building blocks leading up to Google’s latest enhancement for information seekers. For example, one key update from Google, semantic search, plays a very large role in the SGE enhancement.

Because semantic search was designed to figure out the search user’s actual intent, as well as what is typed or spoken into the query, it created a paradigm shift for SEO practices. Instead of keywords or short phrases, the focus became more conversational and thoughtful. 

SGE summaries are building on that concept of user intent and taking it a step further by delivering the answer Google determines the user is looking for without even clicking a single link. For financial advisor websites that adapted to this and previous changes from Google, SGE is just the next in what is sure to be a continuous evolution of the ways investors seek information on the Internet. 


Stop Using Clicks as a KPI

Prior to the introduction of the SGE summaries and the emergence of the zero-click search, CTR – or click-through rate was likely one of the key metrics used when reviewing the organic search results of financial advisor websites. organic search analytics. Now clicks are no longer the goal for measuring Google results, because it  is no longer accurate or relevant. 

Instead, financial advisors should turn their attention to the metrics that show what happens after the click. Because with SGE there will be fewer overall clicks, but the quality of the clicks should be higher. These metrics include bounce rate, time spent on a page, and number of pages visited. This data can tell the real story of how well your financial advisor website is performing.

The key takeaway for financial advisors is that it pays to stay on top of the latest updates from Google and adjust accordingly. Looking for help managing all things Google and SEO? The right digital marketing partner can help. Reach out today!


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