Paladin Digital Marketing Blog for RIAs and IARs

Top 10 Features of the Best Performing Financial Advisor Websites

Written by Jack Waymire, BA, MBA | April 30, 2024 at 9:18 PM

What constitutes “best performing’ for financial advisor websites? These are websites that have the following characteristics. They:

  • Are optimized for Google
  • Rank for 100’s of keywords on the Internet
  • Create first impressions that increase time on site
  • Deliver the right information to visitors
  • Are competitive with other financial advisor websites
  • Practice transparency that builds increased trust
  • Convert more visitors into leads


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When financial advisor websites are among the “best” in their class, they deliver improved results for their owners. They may even create a competitive advantage when investors compare financial advisors to each other on the Internet. It is a well-known fact that investors visit more websites than they contact to schedule introductory meetings. A best-in-class website will be one of the firms that is selected for an interview. 

Identifying what impacts a website's performance potential is crucial. It has to be a combination of what financial advisors are willing to share online and what investors are seeking online. These features not only make the websites user-friendly, they also create credibility and trust - two criteria that matter the most to investors seeking financial advisors.

Read about the top 10 features that distinguish the best-performing financial advisor websites in 2024. They meet all of Google’s ranking requirements and produce the results that financial advisors are seeking from their digital marketing efforts.


Responsive Design Elements

Optimal viewing across all devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops, is essential. Responsive design features ensure that the website automatically adjusts to screen size and orientation, providing a seamless user experience.

Mobile is critical because 62% of investors conduct their searches from mobile devices. This makes mobile friendly a critical element for financial advisor websites. Financial advisor websites should also be voice-friendly because the majority of mobile searches are initiated by voice. 


Secure Client Portals

Security is paramount in the financial industry. A secure client portal allows clients to safely view, manage, and interact with their financial data. This feature not only protects sensitive information but also enhances client communications and trust.

There is also an online element we will call “feeling safe” when investors visit financial advisor websites. Financial advisors should take steps to make investors feel safe enough that they give up their anonymity and submit their contact information.

For example, they want to be sure their contact information will not be used for unwanted solicitations or be sold to third parties. Financial advisors should publish a Policy Statement on their websites that describes how they will protect investor data. 


Clear Navigation 

Intuitive navigation is crucial for a positive user experience. Menus should be simple and logical, allowing visitors to find the information they are seeking in a matter of seconds.

Key information includes: About Us, Our Team, What We Do, Who We Service, Compensation, Custodian, Case Studies or Testimonials, and a Resource Center for financial information. 

Research shows investors will exit financial advisor websites before they will spend additional time searching for information. 


High-Quality Content

Content is king, and for financial advisors, this means providing valuable and accurate information that addresses clients' pain points, concerns, and questions. This includes website content, whitepapers, blogs, pillar pages, social media posts, and videos that are regularly updated to reflect the latest financial advice, industry trends, and firm information.

Content that solves frequent investor challenges can also produce leads for the financial advisors’ services. For example, a major concern can be transitioning from working years to retirement years. Investors have to make a number of important decisions and mistakes can haunt them for years.

A blog article or eBook on this topic can produce leads for financial advisors. 


Strong Calls to Action (CTAs) 

Effective CTAs guide visitors toward taking the next step, whether it's contacting the advisor, downloading an eBook, or signing up for a newsletter. Placement and wording are key to ensuring they are compelling without being viewed as too promotional.

You could be exchanging something of value (an eBook) for the investors’ contact information. The more valuable the content the higher the probability investors will register to get it.


Testimonials and Reviews

Showcasing client testimonials and reviews builds credibility and trust. Potential clients are more likely to engage with financial advisors when they see positive feedback from other investors.

Keep in mind, that prudent investors are going to be a little skeptical. They know advisors may be asking their best clients for testimonials, rankings, and reviews. The same can be said for ratings and reviews. They may be more difficult to control than testimonials, but financial advisors can still solicit their best clients to publish five-star ratings and positive reviews.

Why are some investors so skeptical? They have had a bad experience with their previous financial advisors. The advisors created high expectations in their sales processes and failed to deliver. 


Interactive Tools

Tools like financial calculators, risk assessment quizzes, and interactive charts engage users and provide personalized insights, making the website more interactive and useful.

For example, website visitors complete a questionnaire and a calculator produces a risk tolerance rating. The financial advisor is delivering value in a way that builds initial credibility and trust. 


SEO Optimization

An optimized financial advisor website appears higher in search engine results, making it more visible to investors on the Internet. This includes using relevant keywords, optimizing meta tags, and building quality backlinks.


Professional Aesthetics 

The visual design of the website should reflect professionalism, conservative business practices, and reliability. A clean, modern look with high-quality images and a cohesive color scheme helps establish a positive first impression.

If your ideal type of client is a Baby Boomer make sure the graphics on your website reflect this demographic. 


Accessibility Features 

Ensuring the website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is not only a legal necessity but also broadens the audience base. This includes readable fonts, alt text for images, and keyboard navigation.



These features combine to make financial advisor websites not only more efficient at attracting and retaining visitors but also more compliant and secure, ultimately contributing to their performance and success in the competitive financial advisory marketplace.