Paladin Digital Marketing Blog for RIAs and IARs

Trends to Jump-Start Your 2024 Financial Advisor Marketing

Written by Debbie Freeman | December 14, 2023 at 1:00 PM

As 2023 comes to a close, it’s time to look ahead to 2024, and what that means for your financial advisor marketing plan. And while there’s no way to predict the future, there is no doubt some big changes will be happening in the financial advisor digital marketing space.

Get ready for 2024 with the right financial advisor marketing strategy! Connect with Paladin Digital Marketing today!


From ChatGPT to TikTok and Twitter becoming “X,” it can be time-consuming for financial advisors to keep track of where their next new clients will be coming from. 

Read on to learn more about trends that you can start using now to jump-start your 2024 financial advisor marketing:


AI/Machine Learning and Financial Advisor Marketing

AI/machine learning applications such as ChatGPT have undoubtedly made a significant impact on how financial advisor marketers look at artificial intelligence and its role in producing their marketing results. For some marketers, this was a sign that they would be out of a job before long, losing out to AI-based platforms. However, since its splashy multi-billion dollar debut, ChatGTP has shown it produces generic information that is prone to duplication and errors. There is definitely still a need for human involvement, but it may be less than in the past. 

Financial advisors can enhance their financial advisor marketing strategy by using a digital marketing agency, like Paladin Digital Marketing, that is up to date on the current ways AI tools can be used to supplement and enhance marketing content. 


(Hyper) Personalization in Financial Advisor Marketing

Personalization itself is not a new trend. However, consumers have come to expect that businesses “know” them more than ever before and use that knowledge to market services that actually benefit them.  If you’re still thinking that personalization is simply using someone’s first name in email marketing, think again. 

Trending personalization strategies involve a multi-channel approach to showing your potential clients that you provide financial advisory services that are relevant to them and their unique needs. And while this may look different from a retail perspective (think: Amazon), financial advisors can take their own approach to what hyper-personalization means in a highly competitive financial services environment. 


Social Media for Financial Advisors 

Once considered by some as a passing fad, social media has proved time and time again that it has staying power. How? By constantly evolving to be at the forefront of digital marketing trends. And while technology is what makes the platforms run from an operating standpoint, the truth is that social media is driven by a human need for connections they can rely on and trust

By combining these operations, financial advisor social media is a powerful tool to reach investors on a massive, yet seemingly personal level. Additionally, social media platforms are being used more and more as search engines. This means your website may no longer be the flagship of your financial advisory firm’s online presence. 

It also means that simply having a financial advisor social media profile and posting content from time to time is no longer enough. Instead, social media should be an integral part of your overall financial advisor digital marketing plan. 


Omnichannel Financial Advisor Marketing

While it’s impossible to be everywhere, reaching everyone all the time, omnichannel marketing can get close. This means showing your financial advisor marketing messages to the same audience, in different places, and at different times. While this can give the illusion that you are “everywhere,” the more important aspect of omnichannel marketing is that you’re reinforcing your marketing message and hopefully turning that prospect into a lead, and then eventually into a revenue-producing client. This is a process that produces results. 


Reaching Out to Younger/Future Investors Early

When baby boomers begin transferring their wealth to the next generation of investors, financial advisors should be reaching out to those segments early and often. As the younger generations have shown marketers previously, they are anything but conventional. Reaching this highly sought-after segment will likely take a different strategic approach than with other, more experienced investors, so having a digital marketing partner is highly recommended. 


Keep Tabs on Competitors

It’s not enough to simply know who your top competitors are. In the digital space, relationships can change rapidly and if you’re not in the loop on what the competition is doing, then you’re already at a disadvantage. The good news is that there are many tools and resources available to accomplish this, including Google’s tools as well as many companies specializing in competitor analysis and monitoring. 


User Experience

Because today’s digital consumers are savvier than ever, they expect a seamless digital experience from start to finish. If your financial advisor marketing is to be successful, it will have to produce visits to your online entities such as your website or social media profile. However, if users have bad experiences when they find you, it is a safe bet they will not be back. This is a one-time opportunity to make a positive first impression.

Some important elements of a positive user experience include fast load speed, no broken links, pages that are easy to navigate, current and relevant content, and the ability to find the information they are looking for quickly. 

In short, if a user clicks on a piece of marketing content promoting a service but can’t find it once they are on your financial advisor website, the result is a bad user experience. This also has SEO ramifications, because it can result in high bounce rates and lower rankings in the eyes of search engines like Google.  


Financial Advisor Content Remains at the Forefront

While all the above trends are important for successful financial advisors to embrace, at the heart of any successful financial advisor marketing plan is high-quality, relevant content. No matter what the latest technology brings now or in the future, financial advisor marketing plans will only be as good as the content they’re promoting. 

This is why it’s critical to put content at the forefront of any marketing campaign and to never sacrifice quality in favor of quantity. While technology does offer some (artificial) assistance in this department, we’ve learned that it takes a human to be at the heart of good content creation. 

By partnering with a digital marketing firm, such as Paladin Digital Marketing, that has experience merging the capabilities of AI with the experience of seasoned marketing professionals, your financial advisory firm can truly get the best of both worlds.


About Paladin

Paladin is a team of digital marketing professionals with more than 100 years of collective financial industry experience marketing our clients' services to individuals, institutions, and financial advisors. Paladin is a boutique agency that was founded in 2003 to provide game-changing digital marketing services to a limited number of firms and professionals in the financial service industry. Our services range from designing and developing custom websites to providing SEO, SEM, and Fractional CMO services. Want more information about our digital marketing services? Email your request to Paladin’s CMO: