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Get Your Financial Advisor Social Media Posts to Stand Out

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are overflowing with information.  If your financial advisor firm’s social media posts are not unique or impactful, they will go unnoticed amidst the overwhelming amount of information, thereby failing to achieve the intended results.  Fret not, we have identified effective strategies to make your social media posts garner attention and motivate people to reach out to your firm for more information about your financial advisory services.

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Focus on the Headline 

Headline clarity is of the utmost importance in the quest to draw attention to your social media posts.  If the reader is confused by the headline or does not relate to it, he or she will scroll right on by the update/share, moving on to the next one.  When in doubt, keep the headline as simple as possible.  Use the actual post to communicate the ideas.  The headline should serve as a teaser or introduction to those ideas.  

If you attempt to communicate something complex or several ideas in the headline, you will inevitably push the majority of your audience away - this is an unintended consequence. After all, there is no shortage of information on social media.  Don’t be surprised if you have spend several minutes researching ideas for truly attention-grabbing headlines.  The more interesting the headline, the greater the chance your audience will actually click on it.


Provide Insight

The best social media posts educate the audience or at least provide some valuable insight on topics that matter to them. This is your opportunity to flex your intellectual muscle, put your financial industry knowledge on display, and win over potential clients with insightful information.  Ideally, your social media posts will teach your target audience something new and important while highlighting your firm’s value proposition in relation to that information.  

If you are ever on the fence as to whether a particular subject is worth posting about, ask yourself whether it helps clients solve problems.  If the answer is “Yes”, proceed with the post.  


Credibility is Important

You do not have to write a lengthy post with brand new information every time you publish something on your social media pages.  In some cases, it is better to share information from trusted sources.  Monitor other content providers to determine if their feeds contain information your audience might find helpful.  

Once you find some interesting content that is likely to engage your target audience, do not rush to post it.  Rather, take some time to review the source.  If the source seems untrustworthy or uninformed, do not share that content.  After all, if you spread misinformation on your social media pages, potential clients will be less inclined to contact you and schedule an introductory interview.


Mind the Timing

The timing of your posts is important, especially if they highlight information or services that are in-demand during a specific time period.  As an example, it is not in your best interest to publish information pertaining to tax reduction strategies in the middle of August simply because tax season for individuals and families ended in mid-April (July in 2020).  Save that post for the late winter or early spring months and focus your current social media activity on something that is more timely and relevant.  


Encourage Sharing

Social media is all about sharing knowledge and getting more out of life.  There is no harm in encouraging your audience to share your posts, especially if they are particularly helpful or insightful.  If no one shares your content, you won’t get the online traffic necessary to expand your client base in a timely manner.  You can encourage engagement and subsequent sharing by responding to comments and questions posted to your social media pages.  The addition of an attention-grabbing caption will also encourage clicks, likes and shares.  Even adding an image or two will help boost engagement.  

When in doubt, directly engage with your audience.  Ask your followers questions.  Encourage the audience to comment on your posts. 

As a financial advisor, you should be aware of your compliance department's rules for social media posts and interactions. FINRA has outlined social media guidance, as has the SEC.


Replicate the Competition’s Success

There is no shame in copying what the competition does best in the context of social media.  Put your own unique spin on the strategies used by the competition and you just might just see an uptick in interest.  For example, if competing financial advisor firms are receiving an influx of social media comments, likes and shares in response to a giveaway, a new service or a particularly insightful editorial, you should consider doing the same.  Even something as subtle as a hashtag, image or tone of voice has the potential to create new business, thereby helping your firm gain market share from local competitors. 


Every Post Should Provide Value

If your social media posts do not provide value, they will unfairly occupy your audience’s time and attention.  Do not simply post a status update for attention.  Such an attention-grab could backfire by frustrating your clients and causing them to go elsewhere for financial information. The better approach is to post content that:

  • Provides significant actual value
  • Solves serious financial problems
  • Provides insight into potentially complex solutions
  • Improves quality of life for your target audience

Share valuable information on a regular basis and you will continue to generate consistent web traffic, build your social media follower base, and produce more qualified prospects for your services.

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